° 17-03-1991 After graduating at Sint-Lucas in Gent, I started the Master Scientific illustration (Maastricht) in 2012. During the study I was trained to visualize complex anatomical situations or surgical procedures. This requires broad anatomical and clinical insight and knowledge of the medical terminology. To achieve this, training in practical skills like human and animal dissection were part of the curriculum, as well as attending surgical procedures. In June 2015, after finishing my Master Thesis about 'univentricular or biventricular repair in hypoplastic left heart syndrome' (a challenging project in coöperation with prof. dr. M. Gewillig and prof. dr. F. Rega of the University Hospitals in Leuven), I graduated with honors as a master in scientific illustration. In view of my graduation, I already started my own business as a medical illustrator in 2014. |
© Stephanie Philippaerts I Medical-illustration 2015 (+32) 477 04 27 34